Chao ZUO (左超). D.O.B: 07/Aug/1987
I am currently a Phd candidate at Lab 404, School of Electronic Engineering and Optoelectronic Techniques, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Xiaolingwei 200, Nanjing, China, under the supervision of Prof. Qian Chen. Between Sep. 2012 and Mar. 2014, I worked as a Research Assistant with Prof. Anand Krishna Asundi, at the Centre for Optical and Laser Engineering (COLE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. During the period of Aug. 2013 to Sep. 2013, I was a visiting researcher at Institut für Technische Optik - Universität Stuttgart, Germany. For more information about our research, please click here Email: surpasszuo <at> |

Honors & Awards
- SPIE Travel scholarship (2014)
- China Optical Society "Wang Daheng Optical Award" (2013)
- SPIE Optics and Photonics Education scholarship (2013)
- The National scholarship, China (2013)
- Science and Technology Advancement Award, First Class, MOE of China (2012)
- China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship (joint training program), China (2012)
- The National scholarship, China (2012)
- China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) scholarship (2012)
- Outstanding doctoral training objects of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China (2011-2014)
- Top Scholarship, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China (2011-2014)

- Skilled in MATLAB for algorithm design, simulation, and signal & image processing
- Skilled in C/C++ programming languages for signal & image processing under environment of Visual Studio 2008 and C++ Builder 6.0.
- Skilled in camera API programming: AVT (Allied Vision Technologies) GT640, AVT GC1280, The Imaging Source 41AU02.
- Familiar with digital logic circuits design (hardware), PCB design using Cadence and Altium Designer.
- Skilled in FPGA and VHDL/Verilog-HDL language for designing digital system, familiar with both ALTERA Quartus II and XILINX ISE. Especially have a profound understanding of the algorithms implemented with FPGA for image processing.
- Familiar with C51, STM32, EZ-USB micro-controller and Nios II soft core design flow, have experience in interfaces, drivers development and testing.
- Skilled in using Texas Instruments C6000 DSP (DM642, DM643, DM6446) for algorithms implementation and optimization.
- Sound understanding of classic approaches in optical metrology, image processing, computer vision. Strong grasp of linear algebra, statistics, signal analysis, information theory and other relevant mathematics
English proficiency
Membership & activities
- Member
Many thanks to my collaborators, colleges, and all the people who helped me
- Dr. Lei Huang Brookhaven National Laboratory, US
- Prof. Yingjie Yu Shanghai University, China
- Dr. Weijuan Qu Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore
- Dr. Kemao Qian Nanyang technological university, Singapore
- Prof. Qican Zhang Sichuan University, China
- Dr. Yu Fu Nanyang Technological University, China
- Dr. Giancarlo Pedrini Institut f. Technische Optik , Germany
- Prof. Peng Gao Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), CAS, China
- Prof. Caojin Yuan Nanjing Normal University, China
- Dr. Yucheng Wang Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Prof. Laura Waller University of California, Berkeley, US
- Prof. Lihong Ma Zhejiang Normal University. China
- Prof. Kaiguo Qi University of Science and Technology of China